
How To Plan a Missions Trip

Victory Children’s Homes has many opportunities available for individuals and teams that want to volunteer or to plan a trip to visit one of our homes. Here are some simple steps on how to plan a trip with our organization:

  1. Check in with Head Office. Too many teams going to the same place end up being more of a burden than a blessing to the host nation. Always check your proposed trip with VCOCI Head Office or your Missions Rep for coordination.

  2. Select the team and team leader. A leader with maturity and missions experience can make all the difference. Team members also need to be spiritually prepared. You don’t want to have to spend valuable mission time ministering to your own team.

  3. Set a budget and begin to raise funds. Every team member must be prepared to pay their own way or raise funds from family and friends. If the church does fund-raising it should go towards a Mission Project, not the costs of team travel.

  4. Take the Victory Missions Course. The mandatory Victory Missions Course is available on DVD, online, and through live instructors. Wise leaders also put their team through a few team-building projects at home before departure.

  5. Travel arrangements. Appoint one person within the team to be the Coordinator. Funneling all the arrangements through one person avoids a lot of confusion and mix-ups!

  6. Be a blessing! The team should not expect the host country to shoulder any of the costs of their trip. You are there to lift, encourage, and add value to everyone you meet. Leave them wishing the next team will come soon.

  7. Bring home lots of memories! A short term mission can be one of the most life-changing experiences you will ever have. Leave a good deposit in the nation you visit, and God will make a good deposit in you!

Short Term Mission Course


The short-term Missions Course is a practical study course and guide to help believers prepare for and get to the Mission Field, operate and prevail while there, and return in Victory.

You will learn:

  • How to prepare practically and spiritually for the mission field
  • How to look for and find common ground in diverse cultures
  • How to be a valuable team player
  • How to resolve conflicts
  • How to overcome culture shock/re-entry shock

What is included:

  • eBook - "Keys To Victory on the Mission Field" by Dr. Hazel Hill
  • Access to all 7 video training sessions and personal quizzes.

Hazel Lurline Hill

President, Victory Children's Homes International Foundation