
Haiti Children's Homes

We want to thank Victory Children’s Homes for all their support they have given to take care of the orphanages in Haiti. Helping children develop physically, mentally, emotionally by providing food , education and spiritual needs. We put education at the heart of our orphans for the future of Haiti.

The support of Victory gives hope to the children. Haiti has been devastated by earthquake, political crisis and hurricanes and has desperately needed help. There are over 370 orphans sponsored by Victory in 7 different locations in Haiti.

Be blessed, and thank you for your support ! We could not do this without you.

Pastor Julsain Blanc
and Family

National Leader for Haiti

Victory Children's Homes has 5 orphanages in Haiti that we have partnered with to help care for over 370 children. Haiti has suffered severely over the past few years with earthquakes, floods and hurricanes. This has left many children orphaned and without a home. These 5 homes care for many children and provide them with all of the care that they need.

Location: Jeremie, Southwest

One of our Haiti Homes

Children gathering at one of our Haiti homes.

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." - James 1:17

Haiti Orphaned Children's Feeding Program

Children look forward to special feeding program days, when a soda is a big treat and special lunch is brought in to the school or the home.

"And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward." - Matthew 10:42